Our pro bono work in 2018
Pro bono work and public participation are part of our core organizational values. We try to find time and resources to make data protection better in Romania.
Romanian DPA leadership decided behind closed doors
The Romanian data protection authority (the ANSPDCP) has recently been the subject of worrying developments, and now the authority’s leadership is being decided in a hush-hush manner behind closed doors.
Președinta ANSPDCP a primit un nou mandat în fruntea autorității de protecție a datelor
Dna Ancuța Opre, președinta ANSPDCP în mandatul 2013-2018 a fost ieri numită din nou în fruntea autorității române de protecție a datelor.
[RO] Procedura de investigaţii ANSPDCP explicată
ANSPDCP, autoritatea română de protecţia datelor, a publicat Decizia nr. 161/2018, prin care a aprobat procedura de efectuare a investigaţiilor.
Romanian DPA adopts DPIA List
The Romanian data protection authority (the ANSPDCP) has adopted the final list of cases which require a data protection impact assessment (DPIA).
[RO] Transferul datelor către grupul băncii în Codul de Conduită ARB
Codul stabileşte confidenţialitatea datelor furnizate de clienţi şi obligaţia angajaţilor băncii să protejeze aceste date.
Romania’s GDPR implementation law: A few national specifics
The October 2018 issue of Privacy Laws & Business International Report features our comments on the Romanian law implementing GDPR.You can subscribe to the report at here, and you can download our article here.
Romanian law implements the GDPR
The law implementing GDPR in Romania (Law no. 190/2018) has been published and will enter into force on 31 July 2018.